
Bluefin Tuna     Thunnus thynnus ,Synonyms:atún rojo (Sp.) and tonno rosso (It.).

Yellowfin Tuna Thunnus albacares

Tuna fishes are at the top of the food chain and due to the decline of the wild stocks they are currently a major focal point for developing a new fish farming sector. I had been chasing tuna projects for years when one day I landed a consulting job in Panama for developing Yellowfin hatchery methods. The company I was working with, Global Royal Fish, rented space in the Achotines laboratory where we designed and built a modular pilot hatchery that enabled us to experiment with everything from water hydrodynamics through illumination to feeding regimes. Up to that time weaning Tuna onto dry diet was considered to be impossible. Not only did I overcome this obstacle in the production of tuna , but the entire production system has excellent repeat results.

In 2015, with 2 associates, I developed a  startup company, Royalthon SA. The principle objective was to put into use a novel hatchery design for Blue fin Tuna that enables efficient  tuna transfer with minimum mortality from the hatchery to the grow out cages. The concept proved to be very efficient and transfer survival at the first attempt was over 85%!.

Royalthos has for the while ceased operations and we are waiting for new owners to take possession and renew our activities.

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